Tapachula Day 19: Friday, June 16, 2018

Another day, another puppet show! This time we performed in Ejido Hidalgo, the second of the two test sites for the sterile mosquito release. And maybe I’m biased, but we get better with every showing.

We had a full house! The audience was composed of children ranging from 3-15 years old from the Ejido Hidalgo community and they came ready to learn. Engaged from the very beginning, they were able to answer all the questions about the project at the end (ie. who bites you, Don or Doña Zancudo?) and were eager to meet both the puppets and the actors. This type of successful interaction speaks not just to the education the community is receiving, but the amazing efforts that Ecosur has put into community engagement in the last two years.

With our last puppet show under our belts, we’re off to San Cristobal for the weekend. Hopefully the cooler temperatures will refresh us for next week!

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